Professional Doula Program Summer 2024

The Professional Doula Program combines online training, community, & in person skills to prepare you for an exciting career as a Professional Doula!

This instructor-guided program combines:

Online Learning

The program is guided by your instructor Ana Hill.  The online portion of the program includes eight self-paced learning modules complemented by live online training sessions. The modules include resources to enrich your learning and enhance your skills. You will have access to the online learning portal for one year.


The structure of this workshop helps you build community from the very first day with group discussions, independent activities you’ll complete with your classmates, and a private online discussion group. When you have completed your training course, you will be added to the online Alumni community.

In Person

This program also includes a robust printed training manual and a full day hands-on skills session held in the Denver metro area (required for program graduation).  Skills Day is scheduled about 7-8 weeks after the beginning of the program; details will be provided shortly.  

8 Modules

Module 3 - When Birth is High Tech

Interventions are tools which can be used appropriately as needed, or routinely in ways which may benefit some people and not others.  The interventions themselves are neither good nor bad, and it often helps to talk about them as tools, a term which does not have an inherently negative connotation. 

A wonderful book discussing the evidence based use of interventions is Babies are not Pizzas by Rebecca Decker.

Module 4 - Preparing with Your Client

Additional Resources:

[M]otherboard Birth started off as an online graphic birth plan interface, and has become an amazing educational tool for expectant families and professionals alike.

InJoy Health Education provides videos, curriculum, and resources for parent education.  These videos are commonly used in hospitals and other facilities as well as in many other locations.

Circumcision - The Movie (rental)

Modules for this product 8
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Payment Options

 PDP Summer '24 Course
 $ 1,995.00 USD
 PDP Summer '24 Course (Payment Plan)
 $ 665.00 USD  ( then $665.00 USD for 2 months )

How do you want to pay?

Credit/Debit Card
No payment method needed.

I agree to the following policies:

  • I understand that because this is predominantly a digital course there are no refunds.
  • I understand that the course is largely self-paced with certain scheduled live events. I have access to the course for one year.
  • I understand that Skill Day is an in-person event which is required for course completion. In the event of hazardous weather, “act of God”, or any other travel issues making it impossible for Rocky Mountain Doula to hold Skill Day, a makeup option will be made available.  I understand I should not make non-refundable travel arrangements unless I have received confirmation from Rocky Mountain Doula that Skill Day is confirmed. Rocky Mountain Doula is not responsible for any travel expenses students may incur.
  • I understand that I may not record either the digital course or Skill Day (audio or video). 
  • I understand that I may not photograph any training materials or any intellectual property belonging to Rocky Mountain Doula.
  • I may not reproduce, publish, or distribute any materials in the training manual.
  • I may take photographs of the instructor and the participants during Skill Day or other in person events ONLY with their express permission.  I may NOT use these photographs for any purpose other than personal use. They may NOT be used for any advertising purpose, nor sold or transferred to any other party without the express permission of the parties in the photograph.
  • Babies/children are not permitted at Skill Day.  Nursing babies are welcome during lunch.  Off-site childcare arrangements are the sole responsibility of the student.
  • I understand that the instructor and Rocky Mountain Doula do not assume any liability for adverse reactions to foods consumed or anything one may come into contact with while at Skill Day or during any activity you may attend in association with this course.
  • I understand that I must be at least 18 years old to enroll in the Professional Doula Program.
  • I understand that defaulting on a payment plan will result in being removed from the course and being ineligible for certification.  While you may register for a future class, you will be ineligible for a payment plan.

 I agree to allow Rocky Mountain Doula to do the following:

  • Take photographs during Skill Day which may include me, as well as allow Rocky Mountain Doula to use these photographs for promotional purposes online and in print.
  • Use quotes from my training evaluation (which I may fill out anonymously) for promotional purposes online and in print.

I affirm that by registering, I agree to the terms as given herein, and my registration is in lieu of my physical signature.

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